A New Hope

It’s time. The server hosting my old web site melted. My old web page was created around 2001, and it limped along with whatever patchy attention I would give it. The photograph of me is the same one on my passport. I get long looks when passing through border control. I’m far more handsome now, have 95% less hair, and infinitely more sideburns.

And so, I have decided to join the future. 2011, to be precise. My old web site made of yarn, html, php, and a hot glue gun has been replaced with a blog on a new host. It’s the future. I am in it. A handful of years late, but here nonetheless.

What is the plan, you ask?

My old site is here: levitylab.com/cog.

This shmancy new blog will overflow with goodness. Right now, it is ringing with silence, emptiness, and stillness. Consider it a meditation. A frog sleeps beside a pool, waiting for the dawn. Crickets sleep.

I will slowly repopulate this blog with software, essays, and information about new projects. Some of the materials will be familiar, but the commentary will not. Some of it will be dazzlingly new. Consider bringing sunglasses. But please, let’s be friends. If the growing cacophony of material is not to your liking, then we should talk. We could start a blog dedicated to emptiness, a void within the roiling noise of the internet, a refuge for peace.